Call the Upstate University Hospital triage phone line for coronavirus questions

Have a concern about Coronavirus? Maybe a question or feel like you’re showing symptoms?

Upstate University Hospital has set up a regional hotline call center to answer all your questions regarding COVID-19.

You can call the hotline at: (315) 464-3979

Jeremy Joslin, Associate Chief Medical Officer at Upstate said, “What we want to do is we want to have our emergency departments available to treat sick patients and if you have a question, going to an emergency department isn’t the best way to get an answer to your question so we’re providing this as a resource so the public can call, get some guidance and then get routed to the most appropriate place to get an answer to the question or to receive care.”

The call center serves all 14 counties in Central New York and will operate 24 hours every day until further notice.
